Co-reference Project

The documentation explains the project work, which is focussed on 'A Machine Learning Approach to Coreference Resolution of Noun Phrases' by Soon.

Dependencies (Has to be in classpath): 1.apache-commons-lang.jar 2.weka.jar

Process to run the code :

  1. All the path and configuration settings(if its training procee or testing) is in So for path setups, modification in is required. All the paths ,throughout the project are read from this class.

  2. As explained in the process/methodology section of the documentation , first read the data file and extract markables. Run and get markables file.

  3. Now, we have to get train/test instances and feature vector file.Input of markable file is required. Run and fet feature vector file in .arff format.

  4. Training Process : Now for training the model , run for training and getting model file.

  5. Testing Process : Now for testing the model , run for testing and getting evaluation metrics and detailed accuracy measures expalined in the documentation.