
gRPC over WebRTC

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gRPC over WebRTC

Just a proof of concept, please be kind.

How to

  1. Start all the things

    • Client, create-react-app + grpc-web signaling + webrtc extensions

        cd client
        yarn start
    • Client v2, same but using Improbable version with client and bidi-streaming

        cd client-improbable
        yarn start
    • Server, grpc server + grpc-web signaling + pion/webrtc

        cd server
        go run .
  2. Click on buttons in your browser

  3. Profit!


Regular gRPC client/server are implemented in client/src/echo.tsx and server/echo.go. They should look like business as usual.

To simplify establishing the connection, this uses a simple grpc-web api defined by signaling.proto. It expects to run on localhost so there is no fancy ICE candidate exchange, that would be out of scope.

For the grpc-web client, the magic happens in client/src/grtc/adapter.ts which introduces a WebRtcClientBase to replace GrpcWebClientBase.

For the improbable client, instead of using a new transport which manipulates chunks, client-improbable/src/grpc/client.ts dispatches between the original GrpcClient and WebRtcClient. The other files in client-improbable/src/grpc are just linking to that new client function.
