
Example to use OpenSearchServer with Node + Angular + Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Creating a Search Engine with Angular + Node + OpenSearchServer


  1. [Node] (http://nodejs.org/)
  2. npm (which comes bundled with Node) v1.3.7+
  3. Yeoman
  4. Angular
  5. OpenSearchServer

##Setting up the environment If Node, npm,Yeoman, OpenSearchServer are installed you can move to next step.

Installing Node

The documentation for installing node can be found here. Additionally this link also provides some useful information.

Installing OpenSearchServer

The documentation for installing OpenSearchServer can be found here

Installing Yeoman

npm install --global yo

Full install instruction's can be found here

##Setup the project In this tutorial we will use yeoman to setup the project. It will create basic folders, files and configurations to get you up and running quickly.

We'll use the generator called generator-angular-fullstack install it using. Install it using the below command.

npm install -g generator-angular-fullstack

We will run the generator to scaffold our application by answering some questions about our project. We will use the default settings in this application and Jade as our HTML template language. More information about Jade can be found here

yo angular-fullstack --jade # The jade flag is used for Jade HTML templating 
[?] Would you like to use Sass (with Compass)? # Yes
[?] Would you like to include Twitter Bootstrap? # Yes
[?] Would you like to use the Sass version of Twitter Bootstrap? # Yes
[?] Which modules would you like to include? (Press <space> to select)
❯⬢ angular-resource.js
 ⬢ angular-cookies.js
 ⬢ angular-sanitize.js
 ⬢ angular-route.js
[?] Which modules would you like to include? (Press <space> to select) # We will use the default selections by pressing return.
[?] Would you like to include MongoDB with Mongoose? # No

After answering these configuration questions, Yeoman will take a minute to scaffold our project files and pull down Node and Bower modules. Once finished, we will have our development environment all set up.

The directory structure will look like this.

app/               # Main directory for application
   scripts/         # Angular js/coffee directory where most of our
     controllers/   #  yeoman-generated modules will go 
    app.js           # Main application js file
   styles/          # css/scss
   views/           # Angular views
    index.html       # Entry point to our single page app
        express.js      # Express configuration file
        config.js       # Global configuration file
    controllers/    # Ccontroller directory
        api.js      # API file
    routes.js       # The routes file
test/              # Tests (shocking, I know)
bower.json         # Bower configuration file
Gruntfile.js       # Grunt configuration file
package.json       # Node/npm configuration file

Adding OSS node client as dependency

Add the node-oss-client as a dependency in the package.json file.

  "name": "nodeexample",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "dependencies": {

Save the file and run the below command

npm install 

This will download and install OSS node client module.

Initializing the API

Add the search API in the API file located in the lib/routes.js under modules.exports function.

    app.get('/api/search/:query', api.search);

Handling the API request

The lib/controllers/api.js handles the search API requests node-oss-client library is used to request the documents from OpenSearchServer and return them to the API. Specify a valid hostname,port, protocol, login and key. Add the below code at the top of the file after 'use strict'.

    var oss = require('node-oss-client');

    var client = oss.createClient({
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 9090,
        protocol: 'http',
        login: 'example',
        key: '181123asda1474a3d91a77a69de7c77'
    var indexName = 'test'; // The name of the index to query.
    exports.search = function (request, response) {

        client.search(indexName, {
            "query": request.params.query,
            "start": 0,
            "rows": 10,
            "lang": "ENGLISH",
            "operator": "AND",
            "returnedFields": [

            "snippets": [
                    "field": "title",
                    "tag": "",
                    "separator": "...",
                    "maxSize": 200,
                    "maxNumber": 1,
                    "fragmenter": "NO"
                    "field": "content",
                    "tag": "",
                    "separator": "...",
                    "maxSize": 200,
                    "maxNumber": 1,
                    "fragmenter": "NO"
            ], "searchFields": [
                    "field": "title",
                    "boost": 10
                    "field": "content",
                    "boost": 1
                    "field": "titleExact",
                    "boost": 10
                    "field": "contentExact",
                    "boost": 1

        }, function (err, res) {

                results: res



More information about the search request can be found here

Controller to handle search.

Handling ng-submit which is triggered upon form submission.

In app/scripts/controllers/main.js add the $scope-submit.

      'use strict';
        .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
           $scope.submit = function () {
                  $scope.loading = true;
                  var url = '/api/search/' + $scope.q + '/';
                      method: 'GET',
                      url: url
                      success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                          $scope.numFound = data.results.numFound +" Results Found";
                          $scope.documents = data.results.documents;
                      error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                          $scope.name = 'Error!';

Creating the layout to display the form and result.

In the app/views/partials/main.jade file remove existing code and create the form and layout to display the result.

    // Search Form
          button#search-btn.btn.btn-flat(type='submit', name='seach',)
            i(class='glyphicon glyphicon-search')
    // Display the number of document found.
    div {{numFound}}
    // Iterate over the results
    div(ng-repeat='document in documents',ng-model='menus')
      a(href='{{document.fields[0].values[0]}}') {{document.snippets[1].values[0]}}
      div {{document.snippets[0].values[0]}}
      a.btn.btn-primary.btn-xs(href='{{document.fields[0].values[0]}}',target='_blank') Read more

Run the project

Run the project from terminal using the below command.

grunt serve

If compass is not installed you will receive a warning saying:

Warning: Running "compass:server" (compass) task
Warning: You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work. More info: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compass Use --force to continue.

Install Compass

Compass can be installed by below command if you are using OS X or linux, more information can be found here.

gem update --system
gem install compass


You can find the example here.