==> <==

How to Develop?

How to nuke everything not in Git under source control, THUS LOOSING ANYTHING UNCOMMITED (in staging), and build locally to make sure you're good:

git reset --hard ; git clean -dfx ; mvn -o clean verify

NOTE: Must use mvn verify instead of only package, because tycho-surefire-plugin is bound to Maven phase integration-test, which is after package, before verify (which is just before install).

Get on the eclipse-emf-eson-dev Google Group and start yapping...

The recommended way to get a ready-to-rock development workspace is to the Eclipse Oomph Installer, which includes a Setup Model for ESON. Alternatively you could also just do it old-style and manually:

  • get an Eclipse Dev IDE with PDE & modeling (Xtext)
  • import all projects in this repository into Eclipse
  • you should now have no red 'exclamation mark' "The project cannot be built" errors, but will still have normal red 'cross' icons about missing things. This will get resolve once you run the org.eclipse.emf.eson/src/org/eclipse/emf/eson/GenerateEFactory.mwe2 and then the /org.eclipse.emf.eson.tests.xtextintegration/src/org/eclipse/emf/eson/xtextintegration/GenerateMyDsl.mwe2. Ignore the "errors existing in require project(s)" - just run the .mwe2. If you hit a FileNotFoundOnClasspathException ... Couldn't find resource on classpath. URI was 'classpath:.xtext' then you might need a Clean all project.
  • if needed, Window > Preferences > Plug-In Development > Target Platform: Switch to EFactory as active target definition (from

The Target Platform is known to be a PITA, so if you have problems with above, you might instead want to simply use your "Running Platform" as TP.. you'll most likely just have to add the "EMF Compare Core SDK" (e.g. v2.2.0-20131217 as available in Luna; that includes the;bundle-version="3.0.0" we use, just for tests).

Alternatively, please help by manually fixing the *.target and sending a PR for it! ;-)

Note that intentionally uses non-latest versions of Eclipse Platform and Xtext, because EFactory is used in a closed source product currently still stuck at those older versions, and we want the build to catch any unintentional use of newer APIs. (Thus, ideally, you'd want to use the same TP for build and IDE...)

How to increase the version numbers in pom.xml and MANIFEST.MF and feature.xml files:

$ mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=X.Y.0-SNAPSHOT

What else?

ESON was formerly known as EFactory, which originally started out on

ESON is also the Ethnobotanical Society of Nepal! ;)