
gulpuix is node package for the front-end developers to build web pages with ease.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


gulpuix is scoffolding tool for the front-end developers to build web pages with ease.

##Tech task

  1. Handlebars
  2. SCSS
  3. Bower
  4. Jquery
  5. browser-sync
  6. Assemble
  7. Surge

##How to use this scoffolding tool

####Installing Node Install node.js from the official site


####Installing scoffolding tool gulpuix can be installed in following ways

npm install gulpuix


git clone https://github.com/naveenkumarpg/gulpuix.git

you can install gulpuix using either ways

after downloading gulpuix open same folder path in cmd 'npm install' to install dependencies to run gulpuix,

if bower gives a git error if you do direct install so give this command on your terminal

    git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

####Installing SASS SASS Installation Now for sass we need to install ruby and its gems Download ruby from official site, While installing add it to the path Then install compass that is required to compile sass by giving

gem install compass

####Installing Bower Bower is a command line utility. Install it with npm.

 npm install -g bower
 bower install

####Installing surge Installing and using surge for deployments, get more info on https://surge.sh/

    npm install --global surge

after installing surge, in terminal if you wan to deploy complete folder use


if you wan to part of the folder to deploy for our case its build folder.

surge -p build 

Now your project folder is ready. You can commit this to your repo for others to use. Install bower, git & grunt-cli globally before getting project dependencies.