## Overview

Welcome to the FACULTY/PROJECT RECOMMENDATION GitHub repository! This system provides a comprehensive solution for managing academic data, including information about departments, domains, teachers, projects, papers, students, teams, expertise relationships, and project-team relationships.

## Features

### Admin Module

- **Admin Login:** Secure login for system management with access to all database tables and schemas.
- **User Management:** Different user roles and permissions for effective system administration.
- **Table Selection:** Administrators can select and manage various tables representing academic entities.
- **Add, Update, and Delete Operations:** Admins can add new information, update existing records, and delete outdated or incorrect data.
- **Search Functionality:** Powerful search feature for efficient data retrieval based on specified criteria.
- **Dynamic Table Display:** Visualization of tables in the GUI dynamically based on admin selection.
- **Error Handling:** Implementation of error-handling mechanisms for a smooth user experience.

### Student Module

- **Secure Student Login:** Students have secure access to project recommendations based on academic interests and faculty expertise.
- **Teacher Search:** Students can search for faculty based on department, expertise, project title, and paper title.
- **Team Search:** View teams with details such as team ID, project title, team head, status, teacher name, and domain.
- **Project Search:** Discover projects based on teacher ID, domain, project ID, project title, teacher name, and problem statement.
- **Member and Friend Search:** Find friends and fellow students based on shared interests.
- **Display:** Showcasing faculty members with the number of papers and projects they have worked on.
- **Additional Actions:** Students can edit their details, add interests, and enhance their academic experience.

### Faculty Module (Coming Soon)

- **Faculty Login:** Faculty can log in with their ID and password.
- **View and Manage Projects:** Faculty can view and manage assigned projects along with associated student details.
- **Update Expertise:** Faculty can update their expertise areas and personal information.

## System Architecture

- Utilizes a client-server architecture with a centralized MySQL database.
- Developed using Python and Tkinter library for the GUI.
- MySQL database for storing faculty, expertise, students, interests, departments, domains, teams, and members.

## Database Design

- Organized schema with tables for faculty, projects, expertise, students, interests, departments, domains, teams, and members.
- Well-defined relationships between tables for efficient data retrieval.

## Implementation

- Programming languages: Python for the front end, MySQL for the database.
- GUI development using Tkinter and PIL for image handling.

## Future Enhancements

- Authenticated login for different users.
- Population of true data for over 3-5 years.
- Integration with additional modules for event management and research publications.
- Implementation of recommendation algorithms for personalized project suggestions.
- Mobile application for better accessibility by students and teachers.