
📐λ This is my Galvanize capstone project. It was made in ThreeJS and Vue. It's a 3D portfolio for an architectural student to display his 3D models. It's also a beautiful 3D experience!

Primary LanguageVue

Daniel Wolberg Archetecture Portfolio ✒️🗼

This app is a 3D environmemnt that the user can navigate to explore an artist and their works. Also included is a server connected to s3 where the artist can easily upload new models without touching the code. Galvanize capstone project made with Daniel Wolberg's archetectural sketches and models.

Tech Used

  • ThreeJS
  • Vue
  • S3
  • Express
  • knex

Future Updates

  • More models!
  • Refined model viewer.
  • Orthographic camera controls.
  • Maybe web vr integration! 🤓





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