
Simple Search Tool for GIFs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GIFTED - A google for gifs. 😊

A simple react based web application to implement a search engine for gifs and preview them.

React Components Used

  1. SearchBar - Fn component with input to get search queries with callback

  2. GifView - Fn component which is core building block of the list of gifs. Each component is standalone image with loader and overlay view to show cta when cursor moves to the GIF

  3. GifList - Simple wrapper based on grid layout to render the GifView component tree.

  4. PaginationTab - Pagniation component ui which has list of buttons to navigate.

  5. Toggle Switch - Basic Standalone toggle switch component.

The application uses aggregation of simple components composed together in a single page. The search bar is a basic wrapper with an input which is used to get user input.

The GifList is a responsive grid wrapper and comprises the GifView which is combination static image and gif image to be toggled on hover.

PaginationTab is a list of buttons to implement pagination.

Toggleswitch is basic check input which has UI based purely on CSS.

Development Setup

$ git clone git@github.com:naveenvignesh5/gifted.git

$ cp .env.template .env # Update GIPHY API key in .env file

$ yarn install

$ PORT=5000 yarn start # you can set any port you want


Testing is based on jest framework.

$ yarn test



  1. Test
  2. Build and Deploy


$ yarn install
$ yarn test

Build and Deploy

$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ mv build public

Tools Used

  • VS Code
  • Jest