
An example repo with Kiwi testing framework set up in Xcode 4

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This is a quick and dirty repo to demonstrate how you can set up a fresh Xcode 4 iOS app with the Kiwi testing framework.

To use, you need to clone this repo and then run...

git submodule update --init

...to get the Kiwi submodule cloned into your local repo.

Open the project in Xcode 4 and then choose Test from the Product menu to run the dummy test.

Check out the file KiwiFromScratchTests/KiwiFromScratchTests.m to see what's being run.

Here's my post on Kiwi for more information.

How was this set up?

First, create a new iOS project in Xcode and make sure the "Include Unit Tests" checkbox is checked.

Then, click on the root project in the left sidebar and in the build settings of both targets, make sure you choose LLVM 2.0 as the compiler.

Next, we need to add Kiwi as a submodule to the project. At the terminal, in the root of the project, type this:

git submodule add git://github.com/navellabs/Kiwi.git Kiwi

That will pull my forked version of Kiwi. You can substitute your own if you wish.

Next, add Kiwi as a subproject to Xcode by dragging the Kiwi.xcodeproj file in the Kiwi subdirectory underneath the KiwiFromScratch project like so:

Click the KiwiFromScratch root project in that sidebar, then click the KiwiFromScratchTests target and choose the "Build Phases" tab. Expand the "Target Dependencies" section and add the Kiwi target using the "+" button.

Then expand the "Link Binary with Libraries" section and add the libKiwi.a library to the list.

Finally, tell Xcode where these external headers are located by clicking on the "Build Settings" tab and looking for the parameter "User Header Search Paths". Double click it, and add Kiwi/Kiwi as shown:

Run the tests by choosing "Test" from the "Product" menu.


Jonathan Penn
