Let Fixture Monkey generates fully-customizable, randomly populated instance. Focus on the properties of the class that really matter in your test.
- 0
Readme의 setExp 관련 질문
#1094 opened by Danden1 - 2
Issue with recursive interfaces
#1083 opened by esfomeado - 3
Implement Random Selection of Register Operations When Not Using selectName
#1081 opened by YongGoose - 1
migration guide에 kotlin은 giveMeBuilder를 사용하는 것이 맞나요?
#1084 opened by HanJaehee - 1
The JqwikJavaArbitraryResolver cannot generate empty strings if there is a constraint on the string
#1088 opened by jagilpe - 3
1.1.1 버전 kotlin register 사용 방법
#1085 opened by jurogrammer - 0
Force type safety on .setExpGetter
#1082 opened by esfomeado - 2
Issue when setting a List
#1078 opened by esfomeado - 1
giveMeJavaBuilder should also receive an object as parameter like giveMeBuilder
#1077 opened by esfomeado - 2
- 1
The example code in the document contains an fault.
#1076 opened by jaceshim - 0
The example code in the document contains an fault.
#1075 opened by jace-sh - 1
- 3
JavaGetterMethodPropertySelector 처럼 record타입에서 Boolean isChecked를 세팅할 수 있는 방법이 있나요?
#1071 opened by seya330 - 1
Error when using Fixture Monkey Plugin
#1070 opened by eastglow - 1
특정 데이터를 포함하는 샘플링을 할 수 있을까요?
#1064 opened by im-gnar - 2
[Kotlin] Primary Constructor에 포함되지 않는 프로퍼티 초기화 하는 방법
#1009 opened by jayyhkwon - 0
Add kotlin compatibility modes
#1063 opened by acktsap - 5
FailoverIntrospector 사용시 우선순위가 없는 것인지?
#1048 opened by mintheon - 2
TimeStamp 생성 오류가 발생합니다.
#1045 opened by mintheon - 1
Apply size methods to String
#1057 opened by acktsap - 2
한국어 문서 수정 및 개선 사항
#1046 opened by f1v3-dev - 2
In a multithreaded environment, when using giveMeOne, ConcurrentModificationException and JqwikException exceptions will occur.
#1049 opened by NinthCode - 1
복잡한 타입 초기화 중 에러
#1047 opened by morishjs - 1
BigDemical에 대한 값 생성 오류
#1042 opened by sunwon12 - 0
양방향 관계(1:N) 객체 생성시 주입이 안됩니다
#1043 opened by sunwon12 - 3
setPostCondition stuck in infinite loop
#989 opened by surecloud-malokaidi - 5
Print seed if test fails in JUnit
#990 opened by seongahjo - 3
- 2
스프링 시큐리티의 User를 상속받은 코틀린 클래스 생성 오류
#1031 opened by jurogrammer - 4
When using Generic, what happens if size() and thenApply() are used together?
#1041 opened by eastglow - 6
- 6
How to make one field depend on another field?
#1033 opened by eastglow - 1
Document why .jqwik-database is needed
#1022 opened by Sti2nd - 3
kotlin Lambda 함수 사용할 수 있는법
#996 opened by Ibodwe - 3
Interface subtypes
#1008 opened by esfomeado - 4
FixedValueFilterMissException 발생
#1018 opened by jurogrammer - 2
jqwik 오류 - testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher' - gradle 6.x 버전별 판정 이슈
#1020 opened by pequt - 1
English alphabet in strings?
#1021 opened by Sti2nd - 3
시작하기 - "Bean 유효성 검사 추가하기" 동작 질문
#1017 opened by youngsu5582 - 1
Issue Excluding classes from generation
#1016 opened by lfcazambuja - 2
- 4
중복된 값이 허용하지 않는 필드에 고유한 값을 넣는 방법이 있는지 궁금합니다.
#994 opened by YongGoose - 4
- 1
Optional 값을 set 할 때
#998 opened by morishjs - 3
- 1
1.0.17 버전에서 SimpleValueJqwikPlugin 사용시 Set<Integer> 의 임의값이 생성되지 않습니다.
#986 opened by junyoung-kang-kurly - 1
한국어 문서에 잘못된 링크가 있는 것 같습니다.
#984 opened by YongGoose - 1
Version 1.017 is not available on maven central
#983 opened by esfomeado - 0
Jpa 연관관계가 있는 엔티티를 생성하려면 어떻게 하면될까요? (해결했습니다.)
#982 opened by junho3