
ROS node to view live image intensity histograms

Primary LanguagePython


Simple ROS node to view live image intensity histograms.


Clone the repository with:

SSH: git clone git@github.com:navganti/hypestogram.git

HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/navganti/hypestogram.git

Clone either directly to your catkin workspace source folder (ex. ~/catkin_ws/src), or place there via a symlink.


Run either catkin_make or catkin build to build the package. Be sure to source devel/setup.bash within your catkin workspace, as well as /opt/ros/distro/setup.bash.


To run, you must specify the image topic for the histogram. This must be specified in the roslaunch command.

Example topic: /camera1/image_raw

Then the launch file can be run with:

roslaunch hypestogram hypestogram.launch topic:=/camera1/image_raw