Cyber Security Resources

A curated list of resources for learning Cyber Security

Good to read blogs

  1. Krebs on Security
  2. The Hacker News
  3. Zero Day
  4. GBHackers
  5. Sophos Security Center
  6. InfoSec Resources

The StackOverflow for Cyber Security

  1. Information Security Stack Exchange

Linux essentials

  1. Beginners guide to Linux
  2. Linux Notes for Professionals

Setup your hacking lab

  1. Kali Linux
  2. Parrot Security OS
  3. BlackArch Linux

Learn some good hacking stuff

  1. NullByte
  2. BruteLogic XSS
  3. Metasploit Unleashed
  4. Hacker101

Youtube Channels

  1. DC CyberSec
  2. LiveOverflow

Cyber Security Courses

  1. Cybrary

Good to read PDFs

  1. Penetration Testing With Kali Linux
  2. Windows Penetration Testing
  3. WireShark Essentials
  4. Mastering Metasploit 1st edition
  5. Mastering Metasploit 2nd edition
  6. Cracking Active Directory Passwords
  7. Kali Liunx Revealed
  8. Free PacktPub PDFs on Cyber Seucrity (Taken down - will be updated soon)
  9. Red Team Guide

For reasearchers

  1. Exploit DB
  2. VirusTotal
  3. Pentest-Tools
  4. MXToolbox

Practice your skills

Online Labs

  1. XSS game 1
  2. XSS game 2
  3. Pentesterlab
  4. hacking Lab
  5. Hack This Site
  6. Hack The Box
  7. Immersive Labs Community version
  8. Safe Page

Local (Offline) labs

  1. Damn Vulnerable Web App
  2. Buggy Web Application
  3. OWASP Mutillidae

Search, hack, learn

  1. Ethical Hacking topics
  2. Web application attacks

Vulnerable VMs to practice hacking

  1. MetaSploitable
  2. VulnHub
  3. Google Gruyere
  4. Not so secure Docker VM

Cyber Security Challenges

  1. CTFtime
  2. Cyber Security Challenge
  3. SANS Netwars

Vulnerability Rewards Program

  1. HackerOne
  2. BugCrowd
  3. Google Vulnerability Rewards Program