
A small script to get Oauth token from Github Oauth apps

Primary LanguagePython

Get Oauth token from Github API for your Oauth application

This small script gets you the Oauth token for your Github Oauth application.

Note: When you create the Oauth application, the Authorization callback URL should be set to http://localhost:8000/oauth/callback in order for this script to work. This can be also be edited in the Github Oauth application settings at https://github.com/settings/applications/:applicationId:

You need to provide the following environment variables:

  1. GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - The client ID of your Oauth application
  2. GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - Generate a client secret in your Oauth application and add it here
  3. GH_LOGIN - The users Github login ID

Here are the steps to run this script

git clone https://github.com/navhits/get-ghoauth-token.git
cd get-ghoauth-token
python3 -m virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 get_gho.py --validate

Want docker?

export GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=<your client id>
export GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client secret>
export GH_LOGIN=<your github login>
env | grep GH_ > .env
docker pull ghcr.io/navhits/get-ghoauth-token/get-gho:latest
docker tag ghcr.io/navhits/get-ghoauth-token/get-gho:latest get-gho:latest
docker run --rm --env-file .env -p 8000:8000 get-ghoauth-token:latest --validate