
An abstract SDK with typed interactions to Google workspace entity SDKs with Oauth2 and Service account auth support.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

G-Utils Python Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

G-Utils abstracts and presents reusable components of workspace resource based APIs. Currently supports Sheets, and Drive API methods.


# Actiate virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Install the package
# Note: Use till commit hash `3206d8e0846731c85c62291e004fafe16e9dca1b` as its stable to use for now.

pip3 install git+https://github.com/navhits/gutils-python.git@3206d8e0846731c85c62291e004fafe16e9dca1b

Evironment variables

Set the following environment variables with respective values.

# If using Oauth2 login
export GCP_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=dummy-client.apps.googleusercontent.com
export GCP_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=dummy-secret
export GCP_PROJECT_ID=dummy-project

# If using service account
export GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID=dummy-client-id


Oauth2 login

from gutils.services.api_client import GoogleApiClient
from gutils.services.enums import LoginType
from gutils.creds.google.oauth import Oauth2Creds

# Sample scopes
scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive']

config = Oauth2Creds(
    client_id = "dummy-client-id"
    client_secret = "dummy-client-secret"
    project_id = "dummy-project-id"

# If environment variables are set,
config = Oauth2Creds()

client = GoogleApiClient(scopes=scopes, config=config, login_type=LoginType.OAUTH2)

# Example to create a Google Sheets Client instance
service = client.get_resource("sheets", "v4")

Using Oauth Authorization token directly

If you set these additional environment variables if you have them, to skip the oauth flow

export GCP_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=dummy-client.apps.googleusercontent.com
export GCP_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=dummy-secret
export GCP_OAUTH_AUTH_TOKEN=dummy-token # Optional
export GCP_OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN=dummy-refresh-token

Alternatively this can be programatically done. Example code below.

from gutils.services.api_client import GoogleApiClient
from gutils.services.enums import LoginType
from gutils.creds.google.oauth import Oauth2Token

token = Oauth2Token(
    client_id = "dummy-client-id"
    client_secret = "dummy-client-secret"
    token = "dummy-auth-token" # Optional
    refresh_token = "dummy-refresh-token"

# If environment variables are set,
token = Oauth2Token()

scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets'] # Note: The scopes authorised to this token will only work.
                                                          # If new scope needs to be added, use `client.add_scope()` which will trigger a new oauth flow and it will require 
                                                          # `gutils.creds.google.oauth.Oauth2Creds` to be set.

client = GoogleApiClient(scopes=scopes, config=config, login_type=LoginType.OAUTH2)

# Example to create a Google Sheets Client instance
service = client.get_resource("sheets", "v4")

Revoking an Oauth permission


Service Account Login

from gutils.services.api_client import GoogleApiClient
from gutils.services.enums import LoginType
from gutils.creds.google.service_account import ServiceAccountCreds

scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets']

config =  ServiceAccountCreds(
    project_id = "dummy=project-id", 
    private_key_id = "dummy-private-key-id", 
    private_key = "dummy-private-key-id", 
    client_email = "dummy-client_email", 
    client_id = "dummy_service_account_client_id",
    client_x509_cert_url = "dummy-cert-url"

# If environment variables are set,
config = ServiceAccountCreds()

client = GoogleApiClient(scopes=scopes, config=config, LoginType.SERVICE_ACCOUNT)

# Example to create a Google Sheets Client instance
service = client.get_resource("sheets", "v4")


# Install poetry
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python -

# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/navhits/gutils-python.git && cd gutils-python

# Actiate virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies from lock file
poetry install

If you want to add a new service, you can add it to the services directory and follow this directory structure.

├── ...
└── gutils
    ├── ...
    └── services
        ├── ...
        ├── services.json # This needs to be updated when a new service or resource is added or modified
        ├── drive
        │   ├── ...
        │   └── v3
        │       ├── <resources>
        │       └── ...
        └── sheets
            ├── ...
            └── v4
                ├── <resources>
                └── ...