naviak's Stars
IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. Features: Easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers. Parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's. Additionally, there's a simple IFC viewer application, using Qt and OpenSceneGraph. It can be used as starting point for all kinds of applications around the open building model standard IFC.
Intermediate Python book Russian translation
Docker scripts for building ONNX Runtime with TensorRT and OpenVINO in manylinux environment
Pyright extension for coc.nvim
A backport of the Realtek Wifi 5 drivers from the wireless-next repo.
A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
Shader that "emulates" the rendering style of ps1
This is a 3D software renderer that I wrote (no DirectX or OpenGL) that implements model loading, camera projection, and texture loading/mapping