This Terraform configuration defines an AWS CloudFront distribution for multiple EKS clusters specified in a variable called var.eks_clusters. Here's what each part of the code does:

1. Provider Configuration:

  • Specifies that AWS is the cloud provider.
  • Sets the AWS region to us-west-2 where the resources will be provisioned.

2. Resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution":

  • Defines a CloudFront distribution for each entry in the var.eks_clusters map, which presumably contains information about different EKS clusters.
  • for_each is used to create a distribution for each EKS cluster defined in the var.eks_clusters.

3. Origin Configuration:

  • Sets the domain name and origin ID for the CloudFront distribution based on values from each.value.domain_name and each.key respectively. Here, each.key might represent a unique identifier for each cluster.

4. Distribution Settings:

  • Enables the distribution and IPv6 support.
  • Defines the default cache behavior, allowing various HTTP methods and specifying which methods should be cached (GET and HEAD).
  • Sets up the policy for forwarding requests to the origin, including not forwarding query strings and not forwarding cookies.

5. Viewer Protocol Policy:

  • Enforces HTTPS by redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS.

6. Restrictions:

  • Applies geographic restrictions to limit access to the distribution. It uses a whitelist approach where only specified locations (defined in each.value.locations) are allowed to access the distribution.

7. Viewer Certificate:

  • Uses the default CloudFront SSL/TLS certificate to serve content over HTTPS.

Overall, this code configures a series of CloudFront distributions tailored to multiple EKS clusters, each with specific caching rules, security settings, and access restrictions based on geographic location.