
[MIRROR] This is my MVC frame work with example blog website

Primary LanguageGo


Welcome to my Go based MVC framework. Feel free to fork this repo and get started with the following.

Installing Tools

The easiest way to get started is by installing the tools found in this repo's cmd directory like so:

go install github.com/ccutch/congo/...

create-congo-app # To get help writing code

congo-hosting # For help deploying your app

Running the Project

To get started running the project locally use the following command:

go run ./example


You can find a full example of a model in example/models/post.go.


type Post struct {
	Title   string
	Content string

func SearchPosts(db *congo.Database, query string) (posts []*Post, err error) {
	return posts, db.Query(`
		SELECT id, title, content, created_at, updated_at
		FROM posts
		WHERE title LIKE ?
	`, "%"+query+"%").All(func(scan congo.Scanner) (err error) {

		p := Post{Model: congo.Model{DB: db}}
		posts = append(posts, &p)
		return scan(&p.ID, &p.Title, &p.Content, &p.CreatedAt, &p.UpdatedAt)




You can find an example of a controller in example/controllers/posts.go.


type PostController struct{ congo.BaseController }

func (posts *PostController) Setup(app *congo.Application) {
	posts.Application = app
	app.HandleFunc("POST /blog", posts.handleCreate)
	app.HandleFunc("PUT /blog/{post}", posts.handleUpdate)

func (posts PostController) Handle(r *http.Request) congo.Controller {
	posts.Request = r
	return &posts

func (posts *PostController) SearchPosts() ([]*models.Post, error) {
	return models.SearchPosts(posts.DB, posts.PathValue("query"))



You can find an example of a view in example/templates/blog-posts.html.

<!-- ... -->

{{range posts.SearchPosts}}
<a href="{{host}}/blog/{{.ID}}" class="card bg-base-300 shadow">
    <div class="card-body">
        <h2 class="card-title">{{.Title}}</h2>

<!-- ... -->


To run the app setup the app like shown in ./examples/main.go:


var (
	//go:embed all:migrations
	migrations embed.FS

	//go:embed all:templates
	templates embed.FS

	path = cmp.Or(os.Getenv("DATA_PATH"), os.TempDir()+"/congo-data")

	app = congo.NewApplication(
		congo.WithDatabase(congo.SetupDatabase(path, "app.db", migrations)),
		congo.WithController("posts", new(controllers.PostController)),

func main() {

	http.Handle("GET /blog", app.Serve("blog-posts.html"))


Deploying to Digital Ocean

You can use the command line tool found in cmd/congo-hosting to quickly get setup hosting you own congo instance. Run the following commands:

export DIGITAL_OCEAN_API_KEY=<your-digital-ocean-api-key>

congo-hosting launch

curl http://<your-ip-address>:8080

Forwarding Traffic

First take the IP address given to you when the server was launch and create an A record with your DNS provider. Then run the following:

congo-hosting gen-certs --domain www.example.com

curl https://www.example.com

Connect to Server

If you want to connect to the server directly via a secure connection use:

congo-hosting connect

tmux ls # <-- check for the running server process in tmux

Restarting Server

If you need to restart the server, and maybe want to update the binary use:

go build -o congo . # Building a new binary executable
congo-hosting restart --binary ./congo