
Visual analytics clustering with radviz and flask

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Radviz Visualization

This project utilizes Create React App for the frontend and Flask for the backend.


Ensure the following dependencies and third-party libraries are installed on your system before running the project:

  • Node.js
  • npm
  • Flask
  • flask-cors
  • scikit-learn (sklearn)
  • pandas


Follow these steps to set up and run the project:

  1. Installing Node Modules:

    Open a terminal in the project folder and run the following command:

    npm install

    This will install all the required Node modules for the application.

  2. Run Flask Server:

    Open a terminal in the project folder and navigate to the /server folder:

    cd server

    Set the debug mode to on:

    export FLASK_DEBUG=1

    Now, run the Flask server (by default, it will run on port 5000):

    flask run

    The server is now accessible at http://localhost:5000.

  3. Setup React App:

    Open a terminal in the project folder:

    cd ..

    Now, you are back in the project folder. Run the following command to set up your React app (by default, it will run on port 3000):

    npm start

    Open http://localhost:3000 to view the app in the browser.


I used biovisualize/radviz as a reference for radviz.js and d3.js.