Pseudospectral Tutorial

Contains notes and jupyter notebooks for Pseudospectral methods tutorial.

Fundamental aspects of turbulent flows in Climate Dynamics

Les Houches, Summer 2017

by Gregory L. Wagner and Navid C. Constantinou.

LesHouches2017/notebooks folder contains two IJulia notebooks demonstrating:

  1. differentiation of periodic functions in 1D and 2D periodic domains and,
  2. solving 2D turbulence equation on a doubly periodic domain.

LesHouches2017/notebooks folder contains:

  1. Three codes (python, julia, matlab) that solve 2D turbulence equation on a doubly periodic domain in the same manner as done in the notebook.
  2. An optimized version of the julia code.
  3. A code that solves the equation on a beta-plane.

Fluid Mechanics class, UNCW

Wilmington, North Carolina, March 2018

by Navid C. Constantinou.

UNCW2018/part1 folder contains an IJulia notebook demonstrating

  1. discretization of function on grids,
  2. differentiation of periodic 1D functions using finite differences and spectral methods,
  3. differentiation of periodic 2D functions using spectral methods.

UNCW2018/part2 folder contains:

  • notes on 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes
  • an IJulia notebook that solves 2D Navier-Stokes on a doubly periodic domain
  • codes folder containing Julia, Matlab and Python script for solving 2D Navier-Stokes on a doubly periodic domain