This is part of my final degree work at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, in the research group Intelligent Robotics Lab, headed by Francisco Martín Rico (@fmrico).
to themap_server
, in order to use Nav2 with non-planar maps. Therefore,grid_map
dependencies where added to the package. -
Previous functionality conserved, allowing retrocompatibility
Added tests
I added an example.yaml
, example.pgm
, example_ele.pgm
, and example_octo.ot
to extended_map_server/test
so it can be tried out easily.
At navigation2/extended_map_server/test
, the file example.yaml
image: example.pgm
mode: trinary
resolution: 0.2
origin: [0, 0, 0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.25
# elevation layer
elevation_image: example_ele.pgm
min_height: -1.16
max_height: 1.88
# octomap
octomap_file: example_octo.ot
binary: false
and max_height
are necessary to convert the scale from the image pixels to a real metric value.
Note: octomap section is not necessary to load a grid_map with elevation information and grid_map section is not necessary to load and serve the octomap file.
With this file and topic_name
parameter set to "map" (default):
$ ros2 run extended_map_server map_server --ros-args -p yaml_filename:=example.yaml
$ ros2 lifecycle set /map_server 1
Transition succesful
$ ros2 lifecycle set /map_server 3
Transition succesful
It creates 3 topics:
: OccupancyGrid/grid_map_$(topic_name)
: GridMap withelevation
(the same map as in /$(topic_name)) layers./octomap_$(topic_name)
: Octomap
When saving the maps, behaviour changes depending on the type of the topic and whether or not an octomap topic is specified.
- If the target map topic is a
only a image of the 2d map is saved (the same as before). - If the target map topic is a
it will save the 2d map from theoccupancy
layer and the heigth information from theelevation
layer. - Additionally, if an octomap topic is specified, the octomap file is saved and its name written to the yaml file.
With the topics created from the previous example:
$ ros2 run extended_map_server map_saver_cli -t /grid_map_map --octo_t /octomap_map -f example_saving
[INFO] [1674527902.388702271] [map_saver]:
map_saver lifecycle node launched.
Waiting on external lifecycle transitions to activate
See for more information.
[INFO] [1674527902.388795721] [map_saver]: Creating
[INFO] [1674527902.388959642] [map_saver]: Configuring
[INFO] [1674527902.390605276] [map_saver]: Saving map (occupancy + elevation) from '/grid_map_map' topic to 'example_saving' file
[WARN] [1674527902.390625391] [map_saver]: Free threshold unspecified. Setting it to default value: 0.250000
[WARN] [1674527902.390642502] [map_saver]: Occupied threshold unspecified. Setting it to default value: 0.650000
===> saveGridmapTopicToFile
[WARN] [map_io]: Image format unspecified. Setting it to: pgm
[INFO] [map_io]: Received a 300 X 300 map @ 0.2 m/pix
[INFO] [map_io]: Writing map occupancy data to example_saving.pgm
[WARN] [map_io]: Image format unspecified. Setting it to: pgm
[INFO] [map_io]: Received a 300 X 300 map @ 0.2 m/pix
[INFO] [map_io]: Writing map occupancy data to example_saving_ele.pgm
[WARN] [map_io]: Image format unspecified. Setting it to: pgm
[INFO] [map_io]: Writing map metadata to example_saving.yaml
[INFO] [map_io]: Writing map metadata to example_saving.yaml
[INFO] [map_io]: Map saved
[INFO] [1674527902.460199348] [map_saver]: Map saved successfully
===> saveOctomapTopicToFile
[INFO] [1674527902.460453576] [map_saver]: Saving octomap (3D obstacles) from '/octomap_map' topic to 'example_saving' file
[WARN] [map_io]: Occupied threshold unspecified. Setting it to default value: 0.65
[WARN] [map_io]: Free threshold unspecified. Setting it to default value: 0.25
[WARN] [map_io]: Image format unspecified. Setting it to: pgm
Map received (87 nodes, 0.2 m res), saving toexample_saving_octo.ot
[INFO] [map_io]: Writing octomap metadata to example_saving.yaml
[INFO] [map_io]: Octomap saved
[INFO] [1674527902.473389494] [map_saver]: Map saved successfully
[INFO] [1674527902.473791509] [map_saver]: Destroying
image: example_saving_ele.pgm
mode: trinary
resolution: 0.2
origin: [0, 0, 0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.25
# elevation layer
elevation_image: example_saving_ele.pgm
min_height: -1.16
max_height: 1.88
# octomap
octomap_file: example_saving_octo.ot
binary: false
To create these topics to save the files from a Gazebo world simulation, the fmrico/gazebo_gridmap_plugin can be used.