
ARXaaS is a "Anonymization as a Service" project built ontop of the ARX library

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

ARXaaS logo Maintainability Test Coverage Maven Central Javadocs

ARXaaS - Anonymization as a Service

ARXaaS is a data anonymization service built ontop of the ARX library. It exposes HTTP REST endpoints for analyzing re-identification risk, anonymizing datasets and creating generalization hierarchies.


API documentation

Running the service locally

Run server on localhost as a Docker container
  1. Make sure Docker Desktop is running.
  2. Pull the Docker image
docker pull navikt/arxaas
  1. Run the Docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 navikt/arxaas
Run server on localhost from jar (download ARXaaS executable jar from Maven and execute it)
  1. Go to Maven Central and download the latest version of ARXaaS
  2. Run the jar file
java -jar <path to jar>


  1. Clone the ARXaaS project from Github
  2. Download ARX Java library with sources from https://arx.deidentifier.org/downloads/
  3. Install the ARX library in your local Maven repostitory
mvn -q install:install-file -Dfile=<relative path to ARX deidentifier library jar file from spring project root directory> -DgroupId=org.deidentifier -DartifactId=libarx -Dversion=3.8.0 -Dpackaging=jar

You now have access to your own customizable ARXaaS project. You can make changes to the project, compile it, then run your own custom ARXaaS server.

HTTPS configuration

Note that ARXaaS uses HTTP by default.
