
Grunndata registrering

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Grunndata registrering


Alle brukerer må være først registrert i databasen med epost og passord. Dette brukes under innlogging, Api'et leverer en JWT token i cookie header, dette brukes som et autentiseringstoken for hvert kall til API'et.


To type brukerer støttes, leverandør og interne admin bruker med tilsvarende roller: "ROLE_SUPPLIER" og "ROLE_ADMIN". Leverandørbruker har også en attribute SUPPLIER_ID som forteller hvilken leverandør de tilhører. Leverandører har kun tilgang til produktene som har samme SUPPLIER_ID, mens admin bruker med ROLE_ADMIN har tilgang til alle produkter.


Leverandør/admin logger inn, oppretter en draft, og fyller inn data. Dette blir så lagret ved å kalle en POST til api'et. Ser "aGoodDayRegistrationScenarioTest" i klassen ProductRegistrationAdminApiTest for mer detaljer i hvordan denne flyten fungerer.


Det er kun admin som kan godkjenne et produkt. Produktet blir ikke publisert før etter godkjennning. Flagget AdminStatus settes til APPROVED når produktet blir godkjent.


Running in localhost, for frontend developing.

Login in to gcloud and run naisdevice in the background, authenticate to google docker repository:

gcloud auth login (if you have not done it yet)
gcloud auth configure-docker europe-north1-docker.pkg.dev

This will run register, database, kafka, media and proxy in the background.

cd hm-grunndata-register
docker-compose up -d

Register should be running on: http://localhost:8080/admreg/swagger-ui

Running hm-grunndata-register for backend developing:

cd hm-grunndata-db
docker-compose up -d

export DB_DRIVER=org.postgresql.Driver
export DB_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/register
export KAFKA_BROKERS=localhost:29092

./gradlew build run

Using test database for local development:

First Get the database dump from google cloud bucket storage, after that drop previous "register" database, default localhost postgres user is "postgres" and password is "postgres":

psql -h localhost -U postgres
CREATE DATABASE register owner register;

Then dump the database from the downloaded file:

gunzip register-db-dump.gz
psql -h localhost -U register < register-db-dump

Openapi is available here:


Examples of using the api:

Login into local postgresql to create an admin user: psql -h localhost -U register, using password "register", then run these commands:

INSERT INTO user_v1(id, name, email,roles,attributes,token) 
VALUES (gen_random_uuid(), 'admin', 'admin@test.test', '["ROLE_ADMIN"]','{}', crypt('test12345', gen_salt('bf', 8)));

Login to get JWT Token:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"username":"admin@test.test", "password":"test12345"}' http://localhost:8080/admreg/login

export JWT token: export JWT=<copy and paste from the previous command>

Create a supplier in the local database:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" -d '{
  "name": "Supplier AS",
  "draftStatus": "DONE",
  "supplierData": {
    "address": "address 1",
    "email": "supplier@test.test",
    "phone": "+47 12345678",
    "homepage": "https://www.hompage.no"
}' http://localhost:8080/admreg/admin/api/v1/supplier/registrations

Create a supplier user in the local database:

 curl -v -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" -d '{
  "name" : "User tester",
  "email" : "user1@test.test",
  "password" : "token123",
  "roles" : [ "ROLE_SUPPLIER" ],
  "attributes" : {"supplierId" : "<supplierId from previous request here>"}
}' http://localhost:8080/admreg/admin/api/v1/users

Login with this user:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"username":"user1@test.test", "password":"token123"}' http://localhost:8080/admreg/login

export JWT token for this user, we are going to use this user from now on: export JWT=<copy and paste from the previous command>

Get current LoggedIn User:

curl -v -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" http://localhost:8080/admreg/loggedInUser

All vendor (Leverandør) user need to use /vendor in the path, for admin role change this to /admin

Start a draft:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" http://localhost:8080/admreg/vendor/api/v1/product/registrations/draft/test1

Get registrations (user):

curl -v -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" http://localhost:8080/admreg/vendor/api/v1/product/registrations

Create product variant registrations (user):

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" http://localhost:8080/admreg/vendor/api/v1/product/registrations/draft/variant/<product id>/reference/<unik reference>

Update the draft:

curl -v -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" --cookie "JWT=$JWT" -d '<json_here>' http://localhost:8080/admreg/vendor/api/v1/product/registrations/<uuid>

Upload a media file for a product:

curl -v -X POST --cookie "JWT=$JWT" -F 'file=@path/to/file.jpg' http://localhost:8080/admreg/vendor/api/v1/media/product/file/<uuid>

Image versions can then be retrieved here:


Upload many files at the same time:

curl -v -X POST --cookie "JWT=$JWT" -F 'files=@@path/to/file1.jpg' -F 'files=@path/to/file2.jpg' http://localhost:8080/admreg/vendor/api/v1/media/product/files/<uuid>