
Simple library for finding postal place for postcode

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


PAM-Geography is a simple utility library for lookup of geographic data such as: Norwegian postal codes, Norwegian municipality and county names, and country names.

Data sources

List of ISO-3166 countries

Unaltered dataset from https://stefangabos.github.io/world_countries/

Last update: see git log

Norwegian postal codes, county codes, cities

Unaltered dataset from Norwegian Postal Service

Last update: see git log.

https://www.bring.no/radgivning/sende-noe/adressetjenester/postnummer https://www.bring.no/radgivning/sende-noe/adressetjenester/postnummer/postnummertabeller-veiledning

Recipe for updating the postal codes data file using the command line:

  1. Download and transform updated version of src/main/resources/postal_codes_no.tsv:

    $ cd src/main/resources
    $ curl https://www.bring.no/postnummerregister-ansi.txt | \
           iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 | \
           tr -d \\r > postal_codes_no.tsv.new

    The file is distributed as an ANSI-encoded text file with tab chars as field separator and Windows style newlines. This project requires the file to be in UTF-8-encoding and preferably use Unix newlines.

    Verify diff, to notice if anything is fundametally wrong or changed with upstream data or format:

    $ diff -u postal_codes_no.tsv postal_codes_no.tsv.new

    Move into place:

    $ mv postal_codes_no.tsv.new postal_codes_no.tsv
    $ git add .
    $ ...
  2. Also ensure that Norwegian county data is updated. This is currently present in Java code, in the class no.nav.pam.geography.CountyDAO.

    The counties and official codes are listed on the page:


  3. Release new version of pam-geography with updated data.

Release new version

Push or merge to master branch on Github, which will trigger a build and tag a new release version.