
This project contains just the receving part of sykmelding2013 messages

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Build status


This project contains just the receiving part of a sykmelding2013 message

Technologies used

  • Kotlin
  • Ktor
  • Gradle
  • Junit
  • Jackson
  • MQ
  • Kafka


  • JDK 21

Make sure you have the Java JDK 21 installed You can check which version you have installed using this command:

java -version


This the high level flow of the application

  graph LR
      EPJ --- eMottak
      eMottak --- id1([SYFOSMMOTTAK.INPUT])
      id1([MQ queue: SYFOSMMOTTAK.INPUT]) --> syfosmmottak
      syfosmmottak --> B[\teamsykmelding.sykmelding-apprec/]
      syfosmmottak --> id2([SYFOSMMOTTAK.INPUT_BOQ])
      syfosmmottak <--> id3[(Database)]
      syfosmmottak --- Azure-AD
      syfosmmottak --- PDL
      syfosmmottak --- smtss
      syfosmmottak --- eMottak-subscription
      syfosmmottak --- syfohelsenettproxy
      syfosmmottak --- GCP-Bucket
      syfosmmottak --- syfosmregler
      syfosmmottak --- C[\teamsykmelding.ok-sykmelding/]
      syfosmmottak --- D[\teamsykmelding.manuell-behandling-sykmelding/]
      syfosmmottak --- E[\teamsykmelding.avvist-sykmelding/]
      syfosmmottak --- F[\teamsykmelding.sykmelding-behandlingsutfall/]
      syfosmmottak --- G[\teamsykmelding.sykmelding-manuell/]
      syfosmmottak --- H[\teamsykmelding.oppgave-produser-oppgave/];

Running locally

./gradlew run

Building the application

Compile and package application

To build locally and run the integration tests you can simply run

./gradlew shadowJar

or on windows gradlew.bat shadowJar

Upgrading the gradle wrapper

Find the newest version of gradle here: https://gradle.org/releases/ Then run this command:

./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version $gradleVersjon


This project is maintained by navikt/teamsykmelding

Questions and/or feature requests? Please create an issue

If you work in @navikt you can reach us at the Slack channel #team-sykmelding