Pangolin is a database written in Go.
We have hopes of making this distributed some day.
- Create a data directory
- Create individual collections within data directory
- Create a collection
- Get collections
- Insert item into collection
- Get item from collection
- Delete collection
- Attach a trie to each collection
- Update trie on each action to the collection
- Add transactional commits
- Add locks to collection and document structs
- Listen on port
- Serve a simple GUI
- CLI for running the database
will return an overview of the database
An example response would look like
I'm looking at using something like this for querying or
Install dependencies, then you can run
go test{,/routes}
This will run all tests.
Pangolin is a project written for an internal hackathon at Storj Labs.
Indexing is accomplished using a left-leaning red-black tree. This achieves log2N searches and 2 log2N tree height.
Pangolin is AGPL 3.0 Licensed