
Creating plugin for Kong API Gateway and Simple micro services example

Primary LanguageSwift


Mandatory tools

Optional tools

Application Architecture

  • API Gateway (Lua)

    Used to add authentication with custom authentication plugin and only exposing search service to the world.

  • Search Service (Kotlin)

    Used to fetch profile based on search criteria, in our case using only profileids. Internally uses profile services to fetch profile data and cache service for caching profile data.

  • Profile Service (NodeJS)

    Used to fetch profiles from datasource

  • Cache Service (Swift)

    Used to cache profiles

Project structure

    ├── api-gateway (API Gateway Application)
    ├── api.md
    ├── assets
    ├── cache-service (Cache Service Application)
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    ├── docker.md (Contains helpful docker commands)
    ├── profile-service (Profile Service Application)
    ├── README.md
    └── search-service (Search Service Application)
  • API Gateway

      ├── docker-entrypoint.sh
      ├── Dockerfile
      └── kong
          └── plugins
              └── demoauth
                  ├── constants.lua
                  ├── handler.lua (access method of the handler is the entrypoint of the plugin)
                  ├── schema.lua (schema defines the configuration needed by this plugin)
                  └── utils.lua
  • Cache Service

      ├── cloud.yml
      ├── CONTRIBUTING.md
      ├── Dockerfile
      ├── Package.resolved
      ├── Package.swift
      ├── Public
      ├── README.md
      ├── Sources
      │   ├── App
      │   │   ├── app.swift
      │   │   ├── boot.swift
      │   │   ├── configure.swift
      │   │   ├── Controllers
      │   │   │   └── CacheController.swift (Controller contains logic to store cache)
      │   │   ├── Models
      │   │   │   └── Cache.swift (Cache model)
      │   │   └── routes.swift (Contains routes of the API)
      │   └── Run
      │       └── main.swift ()
      └── Tests
          ├── AppTests
          │   └── AppTests.swift
          └── LinuxMain.swift
  • Profile Service

      ├── Dockerfile
      ├── index.js (Contains profile server)
      ├── node_modules
      ├── package.json
      ├── package-lock.json
      └── profiles.json (Json file acting as database)
  • Search Service

      ├── build
      ├── build.gradle
      ├── Dockerfile
      ├── gradle
      ├── gradlew
      ├── gradlew.bat
      ├── HELP.md
      ├── settings.gradle
      └── src
          ├── main
          │   ├── kotlin
          │   │   └── com
          │   │       └── shaadi
          │   │           └── search
          │   │               ├── SearchApplication.kt (Main application)
          │   │               └── SearchController.kt (Contains routing and business logic)
          │   └── resources
          │       ├── application.properties (application config)
          │       ├── static
          │       └── templates
          └── test
              └── kotlin
                  └── com
                      └── shaadi
                          └── search

Running the application

sudo docker-compose up

Setting Up API Gateway

  • Create Service

jo url="http://search-service:8081/" name="search-service" | http POST :8001/services

  • Create Route on Service

jo -d. name="search-service-route" service.id="856704f8-aced-4d2e-8207-c75b22d1def7" paths[]="/v1/search" methods[]="GET" | http POST :8001/routes

  • Activate auth plugin on Search Service

jo name=demoauth | http POST :8001/services/search-service/plugin

Accessing API without activating auth plugin

http :8081/search?profileids=a1q1q1

Accessing API With authkey header after activating auth plugin

http :8000/v1/search?profileids=a1q1q1 authkey:"hackfest|demo|"

External Links