
A script that changes your wallpaper to NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day available at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/.

Primary LanguagePython

#NASA APOD Wallpaper ######For Ubuntu systems

This script will set your wallpaper to NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day available at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/. If a non-image item is the current APOD, the script will choose any image from the archives.

To use:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. In nasa_apod_wallpaper.py, edit "user" variable in line 9 to your own username.
  3. Run nasa_apod_wallpaper.py!

Note: The script sleeps for 15 seconds to allow complete download of the APOD.

To have this script run daily, run the following commands in terminal:

crontab -e

This will open a file to be edited in terminal. Enter the following statement in it

* */12 * * * /path/to/python nasa_apod_wallpaper.py

where 'path/to/' represents the path to nasa_apod_wallpaper.py script.

Press ctrl+x to exit file editing mode and press Y to save changes.

This will run the script in your system in every 12 hours!

PS: Happy birthday to my friend Arpit Gogia who was the inspiration behind this!


A similar script to NASA-APOD, wallpaperscraft.py gets wallpapers from https://wallpaperscraft.com

Modify categories list in line 12 of script to alter categories to fetch wallpaper from.

Check out categories at https://wallpaperscraft.com

Now you can specify category while executing script as a command line argument. For example, the following command will get a wallpaper from space category.

python wallpaperscraft.py space

The argument passed must exist in the categories list defined in line-12 of the script.