
A Nodejs typescript starter which will save time and efforts for developers.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nodejs TypeScript Starter | 2020


npm run start:dev

npm run build

npm run start

Technology Stack:

  1. Nodejs
  2. Typescript
  3. MongoDB


  1. Nodejs API with typescript
  2. Authentication using passport(Local, FB)

Future roadmap:

  1. Send email integration(Malgun or sendgrid)
  2. Admin dashboard with reactjs and Tailwind css framework
  3. Login, Signup, Forgot Password, Third party Auth integartion
  4. Objection.js integration with multiple DB support
  5. Payment gateway integration.
  6. Unit Tests Thinking about more features...


  • POST /login
  • POST /signup
  • GET /logout
  • GET /plans
  • GET /plan
  • GET /users