The project consists of the three components: Android application – The application will have the user interface to send the alert to the Java Server and gather fingerprints. Java Server – to calculate the location using SVM machine learning algorithm Node Server - to receive messages from the android application and Java Server and to render web pages to web application
Technologies and libraries needed:
- Nodejs v4.2.2
- Npm v2.14.7 (modules required – system-sleep v1.0, open v0.0.5, mysql v0.9)
- Java 1.7 or +
- Gradle 2.2 (specific)
- Android SDK API 23
Build System To build the Java server, use the command: gradle : server : assemble To build the Android app. gradle : android : assemble To build the Node Server. node app.js
Steps to build and run the complete system:
- Download the file. Extract and navigate to that folder
- Build the server by using command: gradle : server : assemble Navigate to the ‘libs’ folder in the server.
- Locate the folder containing the server.jar file and run the command: java -jar server.jar 8000
- Now the Java server is running, navigate to redpin master and run command: gradle : android : assemble
- Navigate to ‘build’ folder in android and locate the. apk. This apk file can be downloaded to android phone.
- Navigate to ‘SmartCServer’ folder and run the command: node app.js
- Now the node server is running, you can run the app in mobile.
- In mobile app connect to server using ‘Server Preferences’ tab on screen.
- Once connected the application is ready for the use