Online Recipe Management System
Online recipe management system can be used to manage the cooking recipes of system users. The users can view, upload, bookmark and manage their recipes within the system. There are 3 types of users for our system: Guest users, Registered users, and Admin users.
A visitor to the website can search and view recipes. He / She can also leave feedback about the website by submitting a feedback form giving their email and comment about the website. They can also subscribe to the newsletter by submitting their email. If a visitor wants to upload recipes, he / she must get registered to the website.
They can create a registered user account to the website by submitting their email, username, password and agreeing to the terms and conditions and privacy policy. A registered user can upload recipes, bookmark recipes, print recipes, rate, and comment on other recipes. They can also store their own recipes private without sharing them with the public.
The admin users are responsible for managing the website, moderating users, and their behavior. An admin user can manage users, recipes, comments, and newsletters. They can also update contact information and do minor changes to the website.
Technology Stack
Login Credentials
User Login:
Password: User1Password@12345\*
Admin Login:
Password: User3Password@12345\*