
A football premier league manager developed using Angular and Play framework.

Primary LanguageJava


A hybrid web/console application which simulates a football premier league. The frontend is done using Angular and the backend was done in Java using Play framework.


  • Java JDK 8
  • Scala v2.13.3 or higher
  • Play Framework v2.8.x or higher
  • Angular CLI v11.0.1 or higher
  • Node v14.9.0 or higher
  • IntelliJ IDEA (Other IDEs not tested)

Steps to run web application only

  1. Go into ui directory using cd .\ui\ then run npm install
  2. After npm packages are installed go back to the root directory using cd ../ then run sbt run
  3. Wait awhile and the web application will open your browser on localhost port 4200

Steps to run hybrid application with console

  1. Go into ui directory using cd .\ui\ then run npm install
  2. After npm packages are installed go back to the root directory and go into the app/views folder and run Menu.java
  3. Wait awhile and the web application will open your browser on localhost port 4200