
training blog in Dart and PHP

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Simple Blog in Dart+PHP

This study was carried out with the aim of:

  • acquire skills in programming on Dart (client side) and,
  • write api applications in PHP (server side).

The work was carried out with the knowledge base that is currently available, therefore some solutions are far from ideal. I can't believe that you can read a book and then immediately do everything right. Before reading anything I need some practical background. Of the technical points, it should be noted that JWT was used for authentication, and IndexedDB was used to store the token on the client.

The application was deployed on the local computer(OS from the Ubuntu family). Required:

  • Dart SDK,
  • PHP,
  • MySQL or MariaDB.

How to deploy an application

Clone this repository to your computer

$ git clone https://github.com/navt/web-app.git

Create a MySQL database, import the dump /web-app/web/data/db.sql into your database. Adjust /web-app/web/php-lib/values.ini according to your values. There are no ready-made JS files in the repository, they will need to be compiled.

$ cd web-app
$ mkdir web/js
$ dart compile js -O1 -o web/js/add.dart.js web/bin/add.dart

You need to compile all files from the /web-app/web/bin directory. Start the PHP Embedded Web Server

$ cd web-app
$ cd web
$ php -S localhost:8000

In a browser go to http://localhost:8000 To enter, use a pair of login / password: demo@demo.ru / qwerty.