
This cipher suite is a simple implementation of the mono-alphabetic substitution. The main purpose of this tool is to show you how to crack/derive the used substitution alphabet by using statistic analysis.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mono Cipher Suite

This cipher suite is a simple implementation of the mono-alphabetic substitution. The main purpose of this tool is to demonstrate how to crack/derive the used substitution alphabet by using statistic analysis.


  • Encryption
  • Decryption
  • Key derivation (Get substitution alphabet from ciphertext)


usage: mono.py [-h] (--encrypt KEY | --decrypt KEY) [--out OUT] FILE


Example: Encrypt content of plaintext.txt with rehmtfzgoxsqwpclbanjdykuiv and save in file cipher.txt

python mono.py --encrypt rehmtfzgoxsqwpclbanjdykuiv plaintext.txt --out cipher.txt


Example: Decrypt content of cipher.txt with rehmtfzgoxsqwpclbanjdykuiv and save in file plaintext.txt

python mono.py --decrypt rehmtfzgoxsqwpclbanjdykuiv plaintext.txt --out plaintext.txt

Key Derivation

usage: break_mono.py [-h] FILE REFERENCE_DATA

Example: Derive key from cipher cipher.txt using King James Bible as reference statistics

python break_mono.py cipher.txt king_james.txt


The key derivation is done in two phases.

Phase 1

In the first phase an initial key is derived simply by the unigram distribution given from the reference statistics. Therefore it is assumed that the character which is most likely to occur in the cipher would be the same as in the reference text. This is done in descending order for every character.

Phase 2

In this phase the key given from the previous phase is optimized by using a Maximum-Likelihood approach. The key is optimized by randomly swapping two characters from the initial key alphabet. Next the cipher is decrypted using the new key and a fitness score is calculated. If the fitness score is better for the key than the previous one. The newly obtained key is assumed to be the correct one. This is done until a certain convergence criteria is met. This is given by "no better key in the last 2000 iterations".


MIT licensed 2020 Cedrik Kaufmann. See the LICENSE file for further details.