
Vagrantfile to install Swift and Perfect on Linux

MIT LicenseMIT

#Swift and Perfect Server on Linux with Vagrant


This is no longer maintained, as I much prefer the Vapor Swift Web Framework.


This is Vagrantfile that builds a Ubuntu 15.10 virtual machine with open source Swift and the Swift server Perfect.

I'm far from a Vagrant specialist and welcome any PRs!



  1. Ensure you have Vagrant configured.
  2. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/mpclarkson/perfect-swift-ubuntu
  3. Open the folder: cd perfect-swift-linux
  4. Install the virtual machine: vagrant up
  5. SSH into it: vagrant ssh
  6. Start the PerfectServer: cd /vagrant && perfectserverhttp

###PerfectServer Examples

All of the Examples are built and are accessible at

###Swift REPL

You can access the swift REPL simply by typing swift


By Matthew Clarkson from Hilenium. Tweet me @matt_clarkson