
Workshop material for learning Kafka through the use of docker and some freely available docker images

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Workshop material for learning Kafka through the use of docker and some freely available docker images.

Before running the cluster

  • Make sure you have docker installed and the docker daemon is running in the background. the docker command in the terminal should return some help text
  • Make sure docker-compose is installed and the docker-compose command returns some help text in the terminal
  • Make sure your docker machine or docker installation has at least 4 cores and 4GBs of RAM

Running the cluster

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the root directory and run the command docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate
  2. Now run docker ps to see which containers are running:
    • Two kafka brokers kafkadockertutorial_ksrv1_1 and kafkadockertutorial_ksrv2_1
    • A zookeeper container kafkadockertutorial_zksrv_1
    • A kafka manager container kafkadockertutorial_kmgr_1 for monitoring (-ish)
    • A jupyter/spark container kafkadockertutorial_jupyter-spark_1 which would be our streaming cluster (one node only)
    • A jdbc mysql container kafkadockertutorial_jdbc_1 and a web interface container to manage the DB kafkadockertutorial_adminer_1
    • A rest API for ingesting data into kafka through http rest

After running the cluster

  • You can start jupyter notebook on the local machine in the root repo dir to try the producer consumer api
  • You can go to localhost:8889 to access the spark cluster notebook (on windows use the ip of your docker machine)
  • You can go to localhost:8080 to access the database manager (on windows use the ip of your docker machine)
  • You can go to localhost:9000 to access the kafka manager (on windows use the ip of your docker machine)

Using the REST api to produce data to topics

  • Send a POST request to http://localhost:8082/topics/mytopic1 (or use the ip address of the docker machine)
  • Make sure these two headers are set:
    • Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v2+json
    • Accept: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json, application/vnd.kafka+json, application/json
  • The body of the POST request must follow the following json structure:
    "records": [
       "key": "a2V5",
       "value": "Y29uZmx1ZW50"
       "value": "a2Fma2E=",
       "partition": 1
       "value": "bG9ncw=="