
A CLI tool to automate everything I can think of

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A CLI tool to automate everything I can think of.


Just clone the project and composer install it:

$ git clone https://github.com/nawarian/cave
$ cd cave/
$ composer install

Optionally you may add it to your PATH. I chose to create an ALIAS for the cave command:

$ echo 'alias cave=/path/to/cave/bin/console' >> ~/.bash_profile

This way cave should become an available command from every directory in your command line.

Getting started

First and foremost you need to create a profile. Everything that is stateful will then be attached to that profile.

$ cave profile:set nawarian

The above command will set the currently active profile to nawarian. If it doesn't exist yet, it will be created.

You may change profiles at any given moment. To see a list of profiles, run the following command:

$ cave profile:list

Commands and automations

Key-value store

Each profile has ist own key-value store which can be managed anytime by the profile:kv command.

Other commands may depend on values present in this KV store.

The command definition is the following:

$cave profile:kv [-d|--delete] [--] <key> [<value>]

So the following command creates a key named author with the value nawarian:

$ cave profile:kv author nawarian

If you want to overwrite the value of author, just call it again with different arguments:

$ cave profile:kv author nickolas

If you'd like to delete that key, just pass the -d flag:

$ cave profile:kv -d author


Posting on twitter can take quite a bit of time. And how can you explain your employer that you're outisde your terminal screen, heh?

This command depends on the following KV keys:

  • twitter.consumer_key
  • twitter.consumer_secret
  • twitter.access_token
  • twitter.access_token_secret

To generate these keys you'll have to create a Twitter App following the instructions in Twitter's Developer Console.

The command definition is the following:

$ cave twitter:tweet [-a img1.jpg [-a img2.png]] [-f|--force] [-q|--quiet] [--] <text>

To publish a tweet from your command line run the following:

$ cave twitter:tweet "I'm tweeting this from my #cli" -a tweet.png


The scheduler maintains a simple command queue which allows you to schedule commands to be run in the future.

This is super useful if combined with your machine's crontab.

The command definition os the following:

$ cave schedule:command <cmd> <date> 

Where cmd is the actual command line you'd like to execute and date is a DateTime compatible string.

Let's send a tweet 2 hours from here:

$ cave schedule:command 'cave twitter:tweet "This is a scheduled tweet" -f -q' '+2 hours'

In order to run all pending commands (all commands that have a due date <= now), just run schedule:run:

$ cave schedule:run 10

The above command should pick at most 10 pending commands to be executed.

I've installed this into my crontab so it runs every minute. Here's how it looks like:

* * * * * cave schedule:run 10


If you'd like to improve the project by adding tests or commands, I'll be more than happy!

But I encourage you to add commands by writing symfony bundles instead of commiting to this project. This way you get way more freedom to implement and use whatever you wish.