
O'Reilly Technical Writing Course

Safari Live Training - Technical Writing

Contact information:
Email: njrusmc@gmail.com
Twitter: @nickrusso42518

Getting Started

The easiest way to consume this code is to clone it using SSH or HTTPS.

SSH: git clone git@github.com:nickrusso42518/slt-techwrite.git


HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/nickrusso42518/slt-techwrite.git

After cloning, you should see the following file system structure:

$ tree --charset=ascii
|-- README.md
|-- exercise_1.txt
|-- exercise_2.txt
|-- exercise_3.txt
|-- exercise_4
|   |-- README.md
|   |-- a.jpg
|   |-- b.jpg
|   |-- c.jpg
|   |-- d.jpg
|   |-- e.jpg
|   |-- f.jpg
|   |-- g.jpg
|   `-- h.jpg
`-- exercise_5.txt

These are plaintext files so that they are readable on any kind of computer. You do not need fancy word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, to participate. If you don't have any experience with git or GitHub, you can click the green <> Code button, then select "Download ZIP". In your computer's downloads folder, you will see this repository represented as a .zip file. You can then extract the files to access them individually.