
I created this repo `BOILER PLATE` because at that time I couldn't find a React datatable that supported Tailwind. Fell free to use this component, don't forget to start hhe

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Download the file. save to your resource component, and fix every file about importing Component. then you can use it.


  • Searching data
  • Pagination
  • Actions with event handler
  • Using Tailwind For Styling, Fell Free To Custom Style
  • RelationShip OneToOne
  • RelationShip HasMany
  • FormatValue before display

How to use

Define Column

const columns = [ { header: "Phone", key: "user" } ];

Define Actions

const actions = ( <><button className="w-6 h-6">click me</button></>);

Call Table

<Table actions="actions" columns="columns" rowData="yourPayloads"></Table>

More Options

Handle HasMany RelationShip

const columns = [ { header: "Comment", key: "comments", relationship: { related: 'HAS_MANY', targetKeys: ['comment'] } } ];

Handle OneToOne RelationShip

const columns = [ { header: "Product", key: "product.image" } ];

Handle FormatValue Relationship

relationship: { formatValue: (value) => { return new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(value); } }

Give A Route on Your action links

const actions = ( <><button className="w-6 h-6" isLink={true} href="/invoice/{yourPayload.key}/detail">click me</button></>);

Give Event On Action Table

  1. define attribute dataValue & onClick

const actions = ( <><button className="w-6 h-6" dataValue="yourKeysTableField" onClick={(e) => handleDataValue(e)}>click me</button></>);

  1. define function

const handleDataValue = (e) => { console.log(e.target.getAttribute('data-value')); }

Define pagination itemsPerPage

<Table itemsPerPage={10}></Table>