
TypeScript script that helps recover the missing 12th word of a 12-word mnemonic recovery phrase (also known as a Secret Recovery Phrase) for an Ethereum wallet

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mnemonic Missing Word Recovery 🔍

This project provides a TypeScript script that helps recover the missing 12th word of a 12-word mnemonic recovery phrase (also known as a Secret Recovery Phrase) for an Ethereum wallet. The script compares derived Ethereum addresses from candidate phrases with a known public key to identify the correct phrase.


  • 🔄 Automated Search for the missing 12th word from a given 11-word mnemonic recovery phrase.
  • Validates the derived Ethereum address against the provided public key.
  • 💥 Error Handling for invalid mnemonics and unexpected issues.
  • 📜 BIP39 Compliance for generating and validating mnemonic phrases.


Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/mnemonic-missing-word-recovery.git
    cd mnemonic-missing-word-recovery
  2. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install


Run the script using npx ts-node. You need to provide the 11-word mnemonic phrase and the target Ethereum public address.

npx ts-node src/index.ts "word1 word2 ... word11" "0xYourEthereumAddress"


npx ts-node src/index.ts "injury forest race chuckle capable wedding leg hobby wood evoke panther" "0x6BBf5B41491870Dcb446281311CFD8d8350bCfDf"


If the correct 12th word is found, the script will output:

✅ Success! Derived address: 0x6BBf5B41491870Dcb446281311CFD8d8350bCfDf matches the target.
🎉 Found the correct phrase: injury forest race chuckle capable wedding leg hobby wood evoke panther [12th word]


  • pnpm start: Starts the script in development mode.
  • pnpm build: Builds the TypeScript code to JavaScript.
  • pnpm serve: Runs the JavaScript version of the built code.

Project Structure

├── src
│   └── index.ts   # Main script to find the missing mnemonic word
├── package.json   # Project configuration and dependencies
├── tsconfig.json  # TypeScript configuration
└── README.md      # This documentation


  • bip39: For mnemonic generation and validation.
  • ethers: For deriving Ethereum addresses from mnemonic phrases.
  • lodash: For utility functions such as string manipulation and array chunking.