
A TypeScript Command Line Interface (CLI) game called "Who wants to be a TypeScript Genius?".

Primary LanguageTypeScript



A TypeScript Command Line Interface (CLI) game called "Who wants to be a TypeScript Genius?".



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/nawodyaishan/node-ts-cli.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd node-ts-cli
  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install


Run the following command to start the game:

npm run dev

Game Description

The "Who wants to be a TypeScript Genius?" game is a command-line game implemented in TypeScript. It presents questions to the player and checks their answers. The game includes the following features:

  • Displays a colorful welcome message using the chalk-animation library.
  • Asks the player for their name using the inquirer library.
  • Asks the player a question about the Sri Lankan World Cup year using the inquirer library.
  • Checks the player's answer and displays a success or failure message using the nanospinner library.
  • If the player answers correctly, displays a congratulations message using the figlet and gradient-string libraries.