
Learn AJAX with jQuery

Primary LanguageHTML

Setup Instructions

  • Paste the following into your terminal - git clone git@github.com:nax3t/ajax-jquery-tutorial.git
    • If that gives you an error then you need to setup SSH or use the HTTPS link instead: git clone https://github.com/nax3t/ajax-jquery-tutorial.git (this requires use of your github credentials, the password will be hidden while typing)
  • Now cd into ajax-jquery-tutorial and run npm install
  • Start your mongo daemon mongod in a separate terminal tab
  • Install nodemon globally (if you don't already have it installed) with npm i -g nodemon
  • Run your application in its own terminal tab with nodemon
  • Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser

*Note: If you're working from c9 then see below:

  • Change the following lines at the bottom of app.js:
app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.IP, function(){
    console.log("The server has started!");
  • Now run your server with node app.js or nodemon and view the app from the Preview tab in your workspace