
Extract Youtube channel data using video id / url

Primary LanguageClojure



Using the Youtube Data API, get all videos data from a channel through the channel's playlist and output certain data to channel title file, by only providing a single video-id/youtube video url from that channel.

The video-id / url is needed because the Youtube Data API often cannot find the channel through the channel API call.

By default outputs to CSV


Needed to get a Youtube channel's video metadata in order to make a shared spreadsheet for quick reference / filter capabilities. And instead of grabbing the data using web scraping, used the API.


First, get a Youtube Data API key from Google through: https://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard

Setting the API key, either:

  • Set the GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable to the API key from Google.
    • Bash, at execution: env GOOGLE_API_KEY=[your-api-key] ./run.sh [video-id]
    • Bash, current shell: export GOOGLE_API_KEY=[your-api-key] before ./run.sh
    • Powershell, at execution: Run $env:GOOGLE_API_KEY = [your-api-key] before ./run.sh
    • Powershell, persistent: [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_API_KEY", "[your-api-key]", "User")
  • Clone the repo or download the resources/config.edn file from the repo and replace the :API-Key value in resources/config.edn with the API key from Google.

Using the JAR:

Ensure you have Java installed (Tested with v11)

Download the latest jar from Releases

Run with:

java -jar youtube-channel-data-(version).jar [options] (video-id / youtube video url)


Ensure you have Babashka installed.

Download/clone the latest youtube-channel-data source code.

In the root of the youtube-channel-data folder, run with:

bb ycd [options] (video-id / youtube video url)


The resulting file will be stored in the output folder (if exists) or current folder.


(Windows users: replace .sh with .bat)

Ensure you have Java (v1.8+) & Clojure installed: https://clojure.org/guides/getting_started#_clojure_installer_and_cli_tools

These scripts require >v1.11.0 to work with tools.build, so update Clojure if necessary.

Run with:

./run.sh [options] (video-id / youtube video url)

Or create a build using:


And then run with:

java -jar target/youtube-channel-data.jar [options] (video-id / youtube video url)

Run tests with:
