
Dynamic dns for name.com

Primary LanguageGo


Dynamic DNS for Name.com using v4 name.com API


docker run --rm \
	-e "NAME_DDNS_USER=namecom-user" \
	-e "NAME_DDNS_TOKEN=namecom-token" \

	-e "NAME_DDNS_CRON_0=@every 10m"
	-e "NAME_DDNS_DOMAIN_0=example.com" \
	-e "NAME_DDNS_HOST_0=subdomain" \

	-e "NAME_DDNS_CRON_1=* */5 * * * *"
	-e "NAME_DDNS_DOMAIN_1=example.com" \
	-e "NAME_DDNS_HOST_1=subdomain2" \
	-e "NAME_DDNS_TOKEN_1=other-namecom-token" \

	-e "TZ=Europe/London" \

First example will create and keep updated an A record on subdomain.example.com. pointing to the public IP of the network where the process is running on. This will happen every 10 minutes.

Second example runs every 5 minutes using cron format and configures an A record on subdomain.example.com. but uses a different API token for that particualr entry.

You can create a name.com token in https://www.name.com/account/settings/api Supported cron formats defined at https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/robfig/cron


Name.com api docs are in https://www.name.com/api-docs/ Cron library https://github.com/robfig/cron