
Drush tool for patch management.

Primary LanguagePHP


Drush tool for helping with patch management on Drupal, which helps with patching, and upgrading modules.

See this blog post for the rationale behind this Drush command.

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Before you pick up this loaded gun

Bandaid assumes that you keep your site in Git or another VCS, and will assume that anything worth keeping is either committed or stashed. Consider yourself warned.


The recommended way to install is using composer:

  • Install Composer globally (if needed).

  • To install the lastest stable:

    cd ~/.drush && composer require xendk/bandaid:*

  • To install the bleeding edge:

    cd ~/.drush && composer require xendk/bandaid:dev-master

  • To update (will update to the lastest stable or bleeding edge depending on what you chose initially):

    cd ~/.drush && composer update xendk/bandaid

Or you can install manuallly by cloning the repo or downloading a release package into .drush, and running composer install in the bandaid directory.


Common options:

--no-cache: will override the file download cache.

Commands, in the order they'll be useful:


drush bandaid-patch <url of patch> <module>


drush bandaid-patch https://drupal.org/files/issues/panels-new-pane-alter-1985980-5.patch panels

Will patch the module with the given patch, and if successful, ask for the URL of the issue, and pop up your editor for a reason for patching (to remind your future you why you did this in the first place). This information will be written to a .yml file next to the module directory. You can edit the yaml file if the need be, but be aware that it's used by the following commands.

If you don't like the interactive questions, these can be supplied with the --home and --reason options.

You can use --editor to specify your preferred editor (or set $EDITOR or $VISUAL), or use --no-editor to not invoke an editor at all.

Failure mode

Will crap all over your module with if the patch doesn't apply. A subtle reminder of the good practice of committing the original module first.

Checking local changes

drush bandaid-diff <module> [patch file]


drush bandaid-diff panels

Shows the diff of the local changes, minus the patches from the YAML file. Can be used to examining the state of a module or producing patches for upstream. Should produce a warning if the patch wouldn't apply to the base revision.

Will output the patch on stdout unless the second arguments is given.

Failure mode

Won't do anything in case of error.

Removing patches

drush bandaid-tearoff <module>


drush bandaid-tearoff panels

Will reverse the applied patches, and create a <module>.local.patch file that contains any further local modifications.

You can now use drush dl to upgrade the module.

Failure mode

In the case that a patch from the yaml file doesn't apply cleanly, or other errors, it'll just stubbonly refuse to do anything, leaving it up to you to bisect your way to finding out whoever screwed up the yaml file or updated the module without properly dealing with the yaml file, and thus apply the clue stick upon.

For less drastic fouls (such as patches applied but not mentioned in the yaml file), it'll just produce a local patch with more changes than you'd expect.


drush bandaid-apply <module>


drush bandaid-apply panels

Will reapply the patches from the yaml file, and lastly any <module>.local.patch and, if successful, delete the local patch file.

Failure mode

Will error out per default if any of the patches from the YAML file fail to apply. The option --ignore-failing will make it ignore failing patches and --update-yaml removes the patches from the YAML file. Handy if the patches has been applied upstream.

You can also hack the YAML file manually and use this command to apply a set of patches to a pristine version of the module. To ensure that you've not left a mess for the next poor soul to come along, commit your changes (to a temporary branch, if you prefer), and try running bandaid-tearoff, and see if the local patch looks sane.

In closing

If you discover a module that produces crap in the local patches or otherwise make Bandaid misbehave, open an issue.

If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.