
Collection of useful tools for MacOS

Collection of useful tools

Collection of useful tools for MacOS found somewere on internet


  • fx - Command-line JSON processing tool
$ brew install fx
  • fzf - fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder
$ brew install fzf
  • pass - makes managing these individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in ~/.password-store
$ brew install pass
  • lazygit - A simple terminal UI for git commands, written in Go with the gocui library
$ brew install lazygit
  • lazydocker - A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose, written in Go with the gocui library.
$ brew install lazydocker
  • bat - bat supports syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup languages
$ brew install bat
  • exa - exa is a modern replacement for ls
$ brew install exa
  • dust - Dust is meant to give you an instant overview of which directories are using disk space without requiring sort or head. Dust will print a maximum of one 'Did not have permissions message'.
$ brew install dust 
  • duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility (Linux, BSD, macOS & Windows)
$ brew install duf 
  • broot - A better way to navigate directories
$ brew install broot
  • jq - jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
brew install jq

Enterprise solutions


  • zato - The next generation ESB and application server written in Python and released under a commercial-friendly LGPL license

Build tools

  • Earthly - Earthly is a syntax for defining your build. It works with your existing build system