Awesome AWS AppSync curates the best AWS Amplify, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!
Also check out Awesome AWS AppSync
- AWS Amplify Unicorn Trivia Workshop
- Build a Photo-Sharing Web App with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync
- Building React Applications with AWS Amplify
- Building Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS Amplify
- Amplify for Teams — Part 1: Centralized Workflows
- Amplify for Teams — Part 2: GitFlow
- Introducing the AWS Amplify GraphQL Client
- Building ChatBots with React & AWS
- Feature branch deployments and team workflows
- Serverless Functions in Depth
- Build a voting website that doesn’t crash — part two. Now with Amplify.
- AWS Amplify and Cognito Basic Integration
- Learn AWS Amplify Console - Crash Course
- Deploying React With AWS Amplify Console
- How to deploy a custom domain with the Amplify Console
- Deploy A Gatsby Site to the Amplify Console With One Click
- Adding Drop In Authentication to Your Android Apps with AWS Amplify
- Authentication with AWS Amplify and Android: 8 Part Series
- Building Android Landmark App with AWS Amplify, Google Sign-In and GraphQL
- AWS Amplify GraphQL Queries with TypeScript and Hooks - Part 2: Custom Hooks
- Query More Items Using Scans in AWS Amplify
- GraphQL Tutorial - How to Manage Image & File Uploads & Downloads with AWS AppSync & AWS Amplify
- Introduction to Lambda Resolvers with AWS Amplify
- Lambda Function GraphQL Resolvers
- Building a Real-time Collaborative Beatbox with React & GraphQL
- Real-time Collaborative Drawing with GraphQL & AWS AppSync
- 8 steps to building your own serverless GraphQL API using AWS Amplify
- Create a Multiuser GraphQL CRUD(L) Elasticsearch App in 10 minutes with the new AWS Amplify CLI
- Sorting Queries with AWS Amplify's Key Directive
- User Authentication with Amplify in a React Native and Expo app
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 1
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 2
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 3
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 4
- Authentication in a React Native App Using AWS Amplify
- Serverless mobile with React Native and AWS Amplify
- How to Build Cloud-Powered Mobile Apps with Expo & AWS Amplify
- Building Serverless Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS
- Accelerating Mobile App Development with AWS Amplify
- Building a Custom UI for Authentication with AWS Amplify
- React Native Push Notifications
- Adding Analytics to Your Next Mobile JavaScript Application
- React Native Authentication in Depth
- User Authorization with React Native & AWS using React Native Navigation
- Build a real-life serverless app with AWS Amplify
- Custom React Hook: Use Aws Amplify Auth
- How to Build a Real-time Collaborative Markdown Editor with React Hooks, GraphQL & AWS AppSync
- How to Build Serverless Web Apps With React and AWS Amplify
- How to Build Serverless GraphQL and REST APIs Using AWS Amplify
- Serverless GraphQL React App using AWS Amplify — Part One (Part Two TBD)
- Serverless React Web App with AWS Amplify — Part One
- Serverless React Web App with AWS Amplify — Part Two
- React Authentication in Depth
- Create a React ChatBot in 15 minutes
- How to Easily Customize The AWS Amplify Authentication UI
- Building Chatt
- React in a Serverless World
- How to quickly build and integrate a serverless React application with Crowdbotics and AWS Amplify
- AWS AppSync Tutorial - GraphQL APIs with AppSync, Amplify and Angular
- Build your first full-stack serverless app with Angular and AWS Amplify
- How to use AWS Amplify and Angular to Build Cloud Enabled JavaScript Applications
- Adding AWS Amplify to an Ionic 4 App
- Serverless Authentication with AWS Amplify and Vuex
- How to Build Serverless Vue Applications with AWS Amplify
- Using Appsync and Amplify with Vue
- How to set up Apollo in Amplify
- Building AR & VR Experiences with React, Amazon Sumerian & AWS Amplify
- Using Amplify CLI for adding Auth to your Hasura GraphQL engine
- Securing AWS Api Gateway Requests with Signature Version 4 using AWS Amplify
- AWS for Developers: AWS Amplify
- AWS Amplify Multiple Environments Demo
- AWSMobile CLI - Getting Started
- Configuring the AWSMobile CLI
- Serverless React with AWS Amplify - The Complete Guide
- Building Serverless React Applications with AWS Amplify
- Detox your React Native AWS Amplify Authentication.
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify (part 4— Integrating AWS Amplify)
- Adding User Authentication to a New React Native App Using AWS Mobile Hub & AWS Amplify
- React Native iOS Push Notifications with AWS & Amazon Pinpoint
- Adding Analytics to a React Native Project with Amazon Cognito
- AWS Amplify - Manually Configuring Cognito & Adding Authentication to a new React Native Project
- Expo - React Native Authentication with Expo, AWS Amplify, & Cognito
- Adding Analytics to an Expo Project
- Introduction to GraphQL APIs with AppSync and Amplify - Part 01
- Modeling Relationships (1:1 1:N N:M) with AppSync and Amplify - Part 02
- How to Send Realtime Updates with GraphQL Subscriptions - Part 03
- Let's Build an Offline Web App (AWS AppSync | GraphQL | Angular) - Part 04
- ReactNativeAuth
- Enterprise Twitter
- appsync-lambda-ai
- Wild Rydes Mobile
- appsync-react-native-with-user-authorization
- React Native Auth Starter
- React Native Authentication in Depth
- React Native + Expo Authentication Example
- React Native Movies App: AWS AppSync, AWS Amplify, AWS Cognito, GraphQL, DynamoDB
- React Native Photos App: AWS Amplify, AWS S3, Mobile Analytics with Pinpoint