
HL7 is a messaging standard that helps clinical applications exchange electronic health information. This is a standard for the exchange / integration / sharing / retrieval of electronic health information and increase the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of their healthcare information delivery,

This can be communicated using a variety of transport protocols such as.

  • LLP - Lower Layer Protocol / MLLP - Minimal Lower Layer Protocol
  • FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  • SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

This made integration and maintenance of applications, particularly from different vendors, very easy.


  • Patient Registration System
  • Laboratory System
  • Billing System

HL7 Message Content and Description

  • Message [Message Types]
    • Segments (Some are repeatable, mandatory and optional)
      • Elements / Fields (Some are Repeatable)
        • Components
          • Subcomponents

HL7 Image

HL7 Image

  • 0x0B - Header
  • 0x0D – Marks the end of each segment.
  • 0x1C 0x0d - Trailer
  • | – element /field delimiter.
  • ^ – component delimiter.
  • & – Sub-component delimiter.
  • ~ – Used to separate repeating fields.
  • \ – Escape character.


  • HL7 : Health Level Seven, Inc
  • HAPI : HL7 application programming interface
  • FHIR : Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
