
This is a learning tool for junior/senior level electrical engineering students to get a better understanding of OFDM communication through simulation. It is a Graphical User Interface developed in MATLAB, which primarily animates Rayleigh multipath fading channel including doppler and channel impairments like AWGN and carrier frequency offset. Have fun!

Primary LanguageMATLAB


OFDM animation - MATLAB GUI

  • Clone the repository (or Download the .m and .fig files in a directory)

  • Open playing_with_OFDM.m file in MATLAB Editor.

  • Run the file - "playing_with_OFDM.m"

  • In the GUI, the pushbuttons function as follows: a. START - after the GUI is launched, click this pushbutton before using the other features. b. EXIT - exits the GUI (only when the GUI is running i.e, the execution is NOT paused. EXIT button does not work if the code execution is paused) c. APPLY - after the parameters are updated in the text boxes, click "APPLY" for the changes to be updated. d. PAUSE/RESUME - Click this button to pause or resume the code execution.

  • Observe the comment box for errors and warnings.

  • Note: 1. The error handling is done rigorously. Despite this, suppose the code crashes, close the GUI window, type "clear all" in the MATLAB command line and re-run the file "playing_with_OFDM" again.