
This repository contains two neural part-of-speech tagging models for English. One model is based on LSTM network and other one is based on feed-forward neural network.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains two neural part-of-speech tagging models for English. One model is based on LSTM network and other one is based on feed-forward neural network.

GloVe Embeddings

Download the pre-trained word embeddings


Dataset is extracted from penn tree bank files


Python 3.6

Pytorch 1.6

LSTM Based Tagger

  1. Create the vocab.pkl file

python3.5 lstm-gen-vocab.py <training_file_path> <glove_file_path> <embedding_dimension> <vocab_file_path>

  1. Train

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python3.5 lstm-tagger.py train <vocab_file_path> <embedding_dimension> <training_file_path> <model_file_path>

  1. Test

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python3.5 lstm-tagger.py test <vocab_file_path> <embedding_dimension> <model_file_path> <test_file_path> <output_file_path>

  1. Evaluation

python3.5 eval.py <output_file_path> <reference_file_path>

Feature Based Tagger

  1. Create the vocab.pkl file

python3.5 fnn-gen-vocab.py <training_file_path> <glove_file_path> <embedding_dimension> <vocab_file_path>

  1. Train

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python3.5 fnn-tagger.py train <vocab_file_path> <embedding_dimension> <training_file_path> <model_file_path>

  1. Test

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python3.5 fnn-tagger.py test <vocab_file_path> <embedding_dimension> <model_file_path> <test_file_path> <output_file_path>

  1. Evaluation

python3.5 eval.py <output_file_path> <reference_file_path>


model_file_path should have .h5py extension.

vocab_file_path should have .pkl extension