❓ About the challenge:
- The challenge is meant to evaluate problem-solving skills in areas of text preprocessing, data manipulation and ML modeling in Python.
📂 Files present in directory:
- .gitignore: basic gitignore
- README.md: this README file
- application.py: python file for command line application
- commandLineApplication_Screenshot1.png: Screenshot of command line application
- commandLineApplication_Screenshot2.png: Screenshot of command line application
- dataset.json: provided dataset
- pickle_dumper.py: python file for training data and generating pickle used by application.py
- script.ipynb: main Jupyter Notebook file
- trained_model.pickle: auto-generated pickle file for trained model
- webApp_Screenshot.png: Screenshot of web app
🌏 How to access Web Application:
- Open 'script.ipynb' via Jupyter Notebook and run the whole notebook
- URL: https://kdzynhp6hukjwuba.anvil.app/TYLJ73PI6MEOA76NVDBMX4JS/
👾 How to run Command Line Application:
- Download files 'application.py' and 'pickle_dumper.py'
- Install the following libraries (if not already installed):
- pip install regex
- pip install PyInquirer
- pip install google-trans-new
- pip install pyfiglet
- pip install pandas
- pip install numpy
- pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
- pip install -U spacy
- python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
- python -m spacy download de_core_news_sm
- pip install nltk
- pip install matplotlib
- pip install scikit-learn
- Please install any other necessary and relavent files if you gen an ImportError!
- Go to directory of downloaded files via terminal
- Run: 'python3 application.py'